9 and 11 ETW
The L&L recommendations are presented in 11 sectiions.
Roof structure over the rear portion is sufficient.
The roof structure over the front portion is insufficient due high placement of collar ties. Two solution paths are presented, both with pros and cons. The first involves fabricating a bent steel beam to be put on undetermined support. The second involves reinforcing the rafters resulting in a loss of 4” of ceiling height.
“Techincally, the roof structure is ‘grandfathered’ and therefore not required to be reinforced to meet current codes as it is an existing structure where the structural capacity has not been reduced, the structural load on the roof has not been increased, and the building use is unchanged. However, given the gross overstress experienced with the code stipulated roof load imposed, we strongly recommend remediating the existing roof structure which will also likely curtail some of the cracking of the gypsum wallboard finishes that the building is currently experiencing.”
The rear portion of second story is sufficient. But because the front portion structure is concealed with finishes, the adequacy could not be determined. Theory is that there is a lack of support at the head of the stairs and below.
“However, this is all supposition, and we would need to expose the existing structure to evaluate […] and then advise and design proper remediation if required.”
to 11. Framing inadquacies and demise in the basement. There are multiple elements here including 12 lally columns and footings, 3 LVL beams, augmenting the existing beam, and repairing cracks in the foundation walls. These are all part of the Higgins quote of $69,500. This work will require pathways cut through garage wall (for cement pour) and moving the plumbing/electical work which are not included in the quote.